Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Make Your Own Dryer Balls

A great alternative to fabric softener sheets are dryer balls. I see a lot of companies selling them these days and it sort of bothers me. Why? They are too easy to make. If you are a knitter or crocheter (like me), you most likely have what you need on hand. If you aren't, getting the supplies is as easy as a trip to a hobby store.

Just a note. This project is best done on a laundry day. You'll need to throw it in with a couple of loads. If you're close to washing towels or sheets, save the project for then. That's the best time to do this because they need to be washed on the "hot" cycle.

If you're a very experienced "felter", you can really make them look nice like the picture above. This is also fun to do with your kids. It kills a little time with them.

You will need:

  • 100% wool yarn. Don't get "superwash" or wool that says it's washable. It won't "felt". If you're confused, ask a clerk what wool is good for felting. They'll help you choose.
  • An old tube sock (or pantyhose), or a delicates bag for the dryer.
  • Acrylic yarn. A string will work too!
  • Scissors
  • A crochet hook or something similar.
  • Measuring tape or tailor's tape.


  • Start by making the ball. Wind a little yarn around your finger and take it off. Then start winding the yarn around what looks like a mess of thread. You're making a ball!

  • Once you have a pretty small ball, cut off the yarn and tuck it under a few threads. This is where the crochet hook comes in handy. Just pull the yarn through a few times to secure it. 

  • Time to felt! Put the ball into your pantyhose or old sock and tie a knot at the top of each ball. Then tie off the top. Toss it in with a load of laundry being washed on the hot water cycle and let it go through the whole cycle. Toss it in the dryer with the laundry. 

  • Once they're done, take them out and add more yarn. Just start winding the yarn around the existing ball. Once the ball is about 8 inches, cut the yarn and secure it like you did before. 

  • Repeat the felting process with another load of laundry.

  • That's it. You're ready to use your new dryer balls!

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